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Forfatterens bildeAnimation Volda


Thursday September 13th was the first day of the Animation Volda Festival 2018. Torsdag 13. This is the 12th year the festival is being held and this year the marriage between sound, music and animation magic is in focus.

FOTO: Linnea Nordås FOTO: Mats Hjelmeland

Animation Volda Festival is an annual arrangement held by the animation students at Høgskolen in Volda, Norway. During four days we explore the medium of animation with lectures, workshops, guest speakers, screenings and parties. The first day started with guest speaker Nik Phelps who talked about music and animation in his lecture «Sound and Animation through the past 95 years: Visionaries, Vaudevillains and Storytellers». Later on the six best films from last years Fredrikstad Animation Festival was presented and the guests could vote for their favourite. By the entrance one could se the special constructed camera train used during production of «A Year Along the Abandoned Road» that was screened at the cinema. The night ended with a party in the tent outside.


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